False teeth/ Dentures

Elderly people tend to lose teeth because of the natural process of ageing. Enamel tends to wear away as we get older, making the teeth vulnerable to decay and damage. Tooth loss is the main reason that older people can't chew as properly, and this can lead to them not getting enough nutrients. When older people lose teeth, the part of the jaw bone that held the teeth in place does not maintain its original height and appears to waste away.

Dentures are a good way of restoring health and functionality and to your smile. A well-made denture can help you speak and eat more comfortably and with confidence. Replacing missing teeth with dentures will also help improve the appearance of your smile.

At first, new dentures may feel awkward or uncomfortable. After some time, you will get used to eating, speaking and smiling with them. At our practice, we create custom-made dentures that are more natural-looking and comfortable than ever.

We offer the following types of dentures:

Full Denture

Full dentures are made from a plastic base that is coloured to replicate gum tissue and includes a full set of acrylic teeth. These dentures are fitted after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has begun to heal.

Partial Denture

We create partial dentures when one or more natural teeth remain in the lower or upper jaw. The denture rests on a framework that attaches to your natural teeth. Sometimes crowns are placed onto some of the natural teeth and serve as anchors for the denture.